Let Your CV Tell a Captivating Story
Classic career documents like a resume or cover letter are also used in top management. We present you as a convincing executive who is recommended as a leader for demanding top positions, taking into account the special rules when you present yourself to headhunters.
In the top segment the design of the documents is no longer decisive, although all information should be clearly arranged. The actual design, however, plays almost no role. The content is much more decisive. In your application you have to tell a story that is immediately understandable and fits the target function. Do not narrow your perspective to top decision-makers, often documents are pre-sorted by the assistant staff. With some executive search firms, you cannot assume that experienced senior consultants will handle the assignment in the initial phase. Therefore it is important to convincingly present your own positioning and qualities in less than a minute reading time.
A sensitive topic for top executives are certificates and especially recommendations. If job references are requested at all, it is usually for compliance reasons. Many supervisory and administrative boards have the CVs of their candidates formally checked to be on the safe side. In these cases, immaculate references should be available.
Furthermore, in the top segment, personal recommendation can be the deciding factor, especially in an Anglo-American business culture. If your superiors or high-ranking credible business partners would like to make a recommendation to you, but leave the draft to you, you have been given a special opportunity that you should take advantage of.
Learn more about references for top executives in the German speaking world
We support you in the conception and creation of your documents up to the complete package in a highly professional way. In doing so, we draw on the experience of the TK Leaderspoint Group, which has been established since 1999. Thus, you receive the full and individual support by us as a quality leader in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.